
Welcome to Making It Up As I Go, my blog about science fiction, fantasy, and my life in it. The title refers to the fact that when I do creative work I am usually flying by the seat of my pants rather than working from some grand design. As such, I am usually making it up as I go.

I have been reading science fiction and fantasy since childhood, with early memories of Ringworld and A Princess of Mars, but I was writing SF/F even before that, inspired by Star Wars and playing Dungeons and Dragons with my big brother. I have also been drawing and painting in various SF/F veins for about as long.

As for my personal life, I am an unreformed un-hippie, a long-haired kilt-wearing Scotsman, a gamer, a geek, a native-born Texan, a burner, a fan-boy… all in all a general purpose weirdo living down the street. My politics are both too liberal for most Democrats and too conservative for most Republicans, so I tend not to say much about them. And if you’re ever looking for me in a crowd, I have been described as “somewhere between a Norse god and a serial killer.”

But mostly, I’m just that dude sitting over there in the corner.

The best way to get hold of me is via email: Dan @ zurg . net

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Dan,
    I just finished your Book One in the Chessman saga – and have to say – WELL DONE.
    I really enjoyed it, please keep up the great work!

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