Ships of My Fathers, Free for Kindle through Friday

Ships of My Fathers will be free on the Kindle from today through Friday the 28th.

Michael was orphaned at seventeen, light-years from home. His inheritance: a starship, distant relatives he never knew existed, and inescapable questions that challenge everything he thought was true.

Michael’s quest for answers takes him halfway across the Confederacy, from the gleaming corridors of the wealthy super-freighters to the dark holds of Father Chessman’s pirate ships.

The truth is waiting for him, but he’ll have to survive to find it.

2 thoughts on “Ships of My Fathers, Free for Kindle through Friday

  1. Hey !

    I got your book on the recommendation of Nathan Lowell during your free promotion on Amazon. Read it, loved it ! I could almost hear the voice of Nathan while reading it (and from me, this is a great compliment !). Now I almost regret getting this book for free. Do you at least accept donations in some form ?

    I can’t wait to read “Beneath the Sky” !

    Thanks a lot and keep up the great work !

  2. Got your book on the kindle for free based on Nathan Lowell’s posted recommendation. I finished it this afternoon and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one in the series and I’ve just purchased Beneath the Sky and am about to start it. Thanks

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